Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

In a large, heavy hat my spirits are low

"In a large, heavy hat my spirits are low," says one of the girls who
were interrogated, and Dr. Flaccus claims that the mood may change with
the hat, while that he has evidence to go upon will be seen from the
following answers: "A broad hat makes me feel jolly"; "If my hat is flat
on my forehead, I feel depressed"; "If I have a fancy hat on, I am in a
coquettish mood"; or again, "I feel brighter in a hat that rolls away
from my face." Then the effect which certain surfaces have upon various
persons has to be taken into consideration when dealing with this aspect
of the subject, for clothes are made of very different materials.
To touch a blanket will set some individuals' teeth on edge, and an
irritable mood may result when rough material rubs against the skin.
Again, while one person feels chills running down her back when she
touches velvet, another will delight to feel a velvety surface. Another
remarkable thing which Dr. Flaccus has brought before us is the striking
difference between the preferences which girls have for certain articles
of clothing.

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